Increased productivity in Cinema 4D (or other processor-intensive applications) does not always have a linear correlation wtih the speed of the machine that the work is performed on. Nick Campbell of ...
Create a three-dimensional logo in Cinema 4D and Photoshop with realistic lighting, reflection and shadows. The render is created in 3D inside Cinema 4D using Mograph Text and a bend deformer, texture ...
In this tutorial, create concave objects in Cinema 4D such that particle objects behave and interact realistically with the concave object. The automatic setting for objects is configured in a way tha ...
In this 41 minute tutorial, learn how to build a spherical glass mesh with softbody physical properties (and filled with round particles) that enable it to bounce without breaking in Cinema 4D. Nick f ...
Having the latest and greatest professional equipment isn't always possible on a limited budget. Using only ingenuity and available equipment of his iPhone, Panorama 360 and Cinema 4D, Nick from Greys ...
Decided after you filmed it that your footage shot in 60p would actually look better as a slow motion shot? Fortunately, you don't have to shoot anything over again - you can just use Adobe After Effe ...
This tutorial uses Cinema 4D, but the steps and concepts will work for any 3-D modeling program. By completing this tutorial, you will also learn many basics, as well as good practices, of 3-D modelin ...
This is a pretty easy tutorial that anyone familiar with the program can do - all you'll really need to use are some of the basic shapes to assemble a model of the double-helix shape of DNA, using the ...
The trick to this tutorial is how you can make a big white room and fill with objects that use shadows and unlimited movement in the room. You're shown a basic step by step on how to pull off this loo ...
Create your own model car in Cinema 4D! You can also add a function to animate it as if it had a real motor! This tutorial shows you how to start from a new project and end up with a realistic motoriz ...